I read an article the other day which said that people can win prizes in the lottery by playing certain numbers that appear in the Bible. Apparently some person did a computerized analysis of the numbers that appear in the Bible and has concluded that God will reward with lottery jackpots those who play a certain series of numbers, along with their birthdays.
I don't think much of this system. It's obvious that the man who did this "computerized analysis" of numbers in the Bible knows nothing about winning lottery numbers. The truth is that in the history of North American lotteries, this guy's 10 biblical numbers (and a birthday!) have not been any luckier--have not won prizes more often--than any of the other non-biblical numbers. If he had taken the time to check out which numbers have won in every lottery state, and that information is readily available, then he would have found that no numbers, biblical or otherwise, win more often than any other numbers.
And just because a computerized analysis identifies which numbers appear most often in the Bible, why should be assume that those numbers now qualify as lucky lottery numbers that will win your prizes? My knowledge of the Bible may be a bit limited, but I don't remember any place in the Bible where we are instructed about what lottery numbers to play.
Why don't we do the same thing with other sacred writings? A computer analysis of numbers in these works might be very interesting, but they would be just as worthless for finding prize-winning lottery numbers.
Be skeptical of anyone who claims to be able to tell you winning lottery numbers, especially anyone who claims to have divine insight.
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