Friday, May 25, 2012

Playing Slots on Totally Free Slot Machines

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Shout "Freebies for everyone!" and suddenly a deluge of people will head in your direction. Everyone likes free stuff. Whether it is food, personal care items, clothes, someone will always have interest in anything labeled with the word "free". And in the world of online casino, games can be played for free too. Ever heard of free slots? It is the type of slots wherein players avail of totally free slot machines online and enjoy a few rounds of games. Beginners are invited to try it out so they could learn the ropes of slot-machine-game-playing. Experts on the other hand can try out their own strategies to see what works. In any case, anyone who might be interested is most welcome to play.

Free slots came about primarily to provide players with actual experience in playing slot machine games. Although the games are pretty straightforward, gaining experience before burning some cash on the actual games should help in increasing the chances of winning. In online free slots, what happens basically is that players can enter virtual money on the slot machines and play. Of course the correct combination guarantees a hefty sum of reward which is also virtual. In any case, playing a simulation game certainly has benefits. Strategies are verified before they are put in use, and the skills become sharpened.

Totally free slot machines used in online slots are similar to those used in the actual games (online-based or land-based). So beginners who have no idea about the slot machine games can know what to expect once they decided to play the real deal. Some vocabulary commonly used in slot games are: payout - which refers to the winnings earned after hitting the right combination/s; reels - refers to the disks or wheels that roll once the machine is set to play mode; symbols - refers to the images in the slot machines, it can be fruits, letters or any image that may suit the theme of the game; payline - refers to the orientation of the winning combination. It may be straight, diagonal or crooked, depending on the type of slots game; random number generator - it is a computer program that generates combinations randomly and ensures that everyone who plays has an equal chance at getting the jackpot; static jackpot - refers to the pot money that remains at a fixed amount, regardless of the number of people who plays the game or the times the machine gives the winnings; zombie - the term refers to person who repeatedly plays the same game thoughtlessly.

Variations in the games like multiple-payout games, multi-line slots, and progressive jackpot games can be tried out online. In general, there is a plethora of games that players can test for themselves using these virtual and totally free slot machines. Each differs in overall theme and ways of payouts. It is highly recommended to check out several varieties of games as much as possible to be able to have a grasp playing slots. In playing, the most important thing is to have fun. After all, playing slots is not just about the money.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Caring For Elderly Parents - A 'Swofties' Guide to Looking After Aged Parents - Part Two

Lottery Number Generator :

Are you a Swoftie (single woman over fifty) providing care and support to your mum or dad or both parents?

Do you have difficulty balancing the demands of aging parents with a job, your adult children and grandchildren?

If you are proving a significant amount of care and support to one or both of your parents you are not alone. Three in five people in the UK will become carers at some time in their lives.

Our generation is sometimes referred to as the 'sandwich generation' because we can feel like the filling in the middle between our parents on one side and our adult children and grandchildren on the other. As single women we also lack a partner to share the fears, frustrations and celebrations of caring for our parents on a day to day basis. However there is lots of help out there and your first port of call should be the Social Services Department at your County or Borough Council. You will find the number on-line or in the phone book.

Social Services and NHS Trusts are given grants from Central Government to provide services for Carers but I'm afraid it is very much a postcode lottery and the priority given to carers varies enormously across the country.

If you are the main carer for your parents you will be entitled to a carers assessment which has to take into account the impact caring is having on your life. A carers assessment means Social Services will look at your situation and see if you are entitled to any services that could make caring easier for you.

Whether or not you want to involve Social Services they are the first place to go to for information about caring for your parents. There are also organisations to help carers, including charities and local groups, e.g.Crossroads and Alzheimer's Society.

There is lots of help out there so don't be afraid to ask for it. Here are some of the things you may find helpful when caring for elderly parents

Breaks from caring. It is important that you make time for YOU and having some time off from caring can help your own well-being which is good for both you and your parent/s. There are different ways you can get a break e.g someone coming to your parents home to look after them for a few days or arranging a residential break for them. Ask your Social Services department what options are available in your area.

Emotional support. Caring can be very stressful and the saying 'a trouble shared is a trouble halved' is very true. Other carers can be a great source of support and there are likely to be carers support groups in your area. Some groups also have online forums, so you can stay in touch with other carers without leaving the house.

Practical support. Help around the home and garden or with shopping can help your parent/s and reduce demands on your time.You will also be able to focus the time you do have available for your parent/s on getting them out of the house, having a meal with them and spending more time listening to stories about their life. Believe me this will greatly improve their well-being as well as your own!

Equipment/Gadgets. It's amazing how the simplest of gadgets can make life easier for older people.There are lots available so have a good look on the internet, visit a Care Centre or ask to speak to an Occupational Therapist at your local Social Services Department to ask advice.There is also a new website offering a wide range of products to help people with a range of conditions from having a propensity for falling to a hearing or sight problem. For details of what is available visit or telephone 0843 224 1200

Finance. If you are caring for one or both of your parents, there is a range of financial benefits you or they might be entitled to. has an on-line benefits advisor so check it out.

Looking after aged parents can present many challenges but you know with planning and support it can also be a satisfying experience so make the most of the opportunities it brings!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Win Pick 3 With This Suggestion

Lottery Number Generator :

If you'd like to gamble in the easiest and most risk free way possible, then bet on a lottery draw game. It's the safest way to avoid a big loss or big losses. The first thing to keep in mind is that you can have a lottery win pick 3 or a pick 2, instead of choosing to play in the more popular 6 digit draws.

Before you place your lotto bets, try to consider the means by which you can maximize your winning opportunities. How can you do this? Is it something possible? If it's possible, what makes it a feasible thing? These are three questions which you're likely to ask. You can find the answer to them in the statements below.

Win pick 3 lottery draws by playing all your 10 chances which are on your play slip. Make your bets 10 times by indicating that you've chose to do this, on the lotto slip. Prior to betting for all your possible chances, begin by calculating for the various ways that you can mix and match the 9 numbers on the play slip's panels, in order to come up with the 3 digit combination that you'll be placing your money on, as your bet.

This mixing and matching of the numerals on the set of numbers, which you're to base your lottery choices on, is also known as: calculating for number permutations. Permutations are mathematical elements which have their fair use when it comes to the betting activities of the smarter lotto players! While some individuals choose to rely on the help of lottery software, to come up with their number combinations for win pick 3 Lottery draw, permutations may still be manually generated. You can list these lotto combinations, on your own; you might even find that the said activity is an enjoyable thing to do.

Now, since you'll only be dealing with 9 numbers, you can do this activity: without the help of special lottery software. Start making a list of 3 digit combinations, on a sheet of paper. Use the numbers 1 to 9 as the 1st digits, on the first column of your list. Remember not to repeat the use of any of these numbers. Beside the first digit, use the number 1, nine times, for this column. You'll be seeing a set that would look like this: 11_; 21_; 31_;...and so on. After you've done this, you will now have to use 1 to 9, again for the 3rd column. You'll be seeing a set that looks like this: 111; 212; 313; 414; 514; 614...; until you've made to 919.

When you're done, repeat the same process; but this time shift the second column numbers and use these on your 1st column. Your set should now go in this manner: 11_; 12_; 13_; 14_...; up to 19_. You can continue the procedure by exchanging the digit in 1 column with those on another column. Lastly, check your list for duplicate sets and remove the 1 of them.

You may now use these combinations to bet on the next 3 digit lottery row; it's a way to increase your chances of winning. Good luck!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Small Business Tips For Success Online

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Small Business Tips For Success: The feast or famine business model

The feast of famine business model merely refers to my personal perceptions of certain prevalent business models you or anyone else might likely find while searching for a business to join online.

Most often employed by many high cost or "high ticket" programs and products online, this model for business would most accurately be described as a recipe for disaster.

The underlying premise being, at say 00 a sale, how many sales would you need to make a return on your investment, quit your job, buy a house, etc., etc. Feast or famine...

For those with a proven track record of success online, more often than not the case for them will be feast. For those with the skewed perception that any kind of success, be it success online or success in general, happens over night; I see famine in you future.

small business tips #1:

Operating your business on the firm belief that x amount of traffic will generate y amount of conversions without the market research to prove it will cause you nothing but grief.

The best way to avoid falling prey to a feast or famine type scenario is to do your homework, and make sure that the numbers support your efforts.

For PPC (pay per click) marketing, be sure to track, track, track, everything. By using tracking links in your ad campaigns you can determine your cost per lead as well as your cost per sale along with your cost per click/click through percentages provided by you campaign provider.

small business tips #2:

Next, estimate the value of each sale. If the income is residual, what's the retention rate of your program or down line? Once you can place a decent estimate on how much each sale is worth and you've calculated your cost per lead per sale, then and only then are you in business.

Flying blind with your marketing dollars in hopes that good fortune will smile upon you is far to fanciful a notion to actually be effective. Be sure to track all your marketing efforts so that you can be aware of what works and what doesn't; as well as what could use improvement.

small business tips #3:

To some, the entire notion of feast or famine may seem a bit much like some savage struggle for survival set in the most unforgiving of landscapes. To those individuals, I would suggest that in the time it's taken them to form said opinion, they have most likely dropped an additional notch or two on the food chain.

Business is extremely competitive by nature. The best strategy for success is to always try to ensure you happen to be among the biggest fish in the smallest pond I can find i.e. research and niche marketing.

small business tips #4:

In summary, I'd say that most endorsements of unrealistic and unfounded business practice work off the premise that people in general will always take the path of least resistance; forever hoping to not only get something for nothing but, attain great success with little effort on their part.

A very lovely notion, but so is the lottery; and your odds would probably be about the same.

Unfortunately, I've found out (the hard way), that internet business is not the financial freedom vending machine I was led to believe it was. For every few dollars I put in I have yet to find happiness wrapped in 0 bills (although I do remain hopeful).

Be sure to treat your business more like a business and less like a lottery and you are sure to do well.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Greeting Card Business Success Tips #1

Lottery Number Generator :

There's a common theme among those who begin searching for a way to launch their own home based greeting card business - financial freedom. Your current job might not be cutting it for you with the rising cost of living.

Or, it could be that you have a job that pays an amazing salary, but just doesn't fulfill you as much as starting a greeting card business would. It is hard to have to report to work at a certain time. Do certain tasks that you might not agree with but have to fulfill since they cut your check.

Having your own greeting card business doesn't just entail sleeping late and working in your pajamas, as many late night infomercials like you to believe. In fact, you may even find there's more work involved which is usually the case.

There is a huge difference though when it is your greeting card business and not somebody else's.

The satisfaction level you achieve by pursuing your own goals will far be more enjoyable than the work you are doing at your current job.

I want to share a quote by James Michener:

"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which.

He simply pursues his vision of Excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both".

There's a solution available to everyone on the spectrum who want to pursue a life on their own terms - and it's called the greeting card business.

A greeting card business allows you to work the hours you want to work, whether that's 11 P.M. to 3 o-clock in the morning or keeping in line with a traditional 8-5 approach. You make the decision. You are in full control.

Your greeting card business can involve as much or as little work as you want it to. You can choose when you want to work. For me, it might be at three o'clock in the morning like the other night because I could not sleep. I knocked out two hours of work and went back to bed. It really is whatever floats your boat.

You'll be able to choose where you work. There is really no need to rent office space out since this is a home based greeting card business. Because overhead costs are kept low anyway, there's no reason to add to it when all you need is a computer and an Internet connection, which fits nicely in a spare bedroom or right in the corner of an existing room, like the den!

Running your own greeting card business means being in touch with it on a regular basis, however, there are ways to leverage our time as well.

But the good news is that laptops are portable, and you could spend 365 days a year lounging on the beach since you can run a greeting card business from anywhere in the world, provided you have access to the World Wide Web.

Something that will take getting use to is you won't have to ask to leave work. You won't have to alert your clients that you're going on a month long trip so an island. You just pack up and go, logging in once a day or so to see how things are progressing.

Let's talk money now. Can sending greeting cards make you money? Enough to give you financial freedom?

Financial freedom has a different meaning for everyone. To some, it could be having enough to finally cover all bills. To others, it may mean making plenty to sock away for retirement and live a luxurious lifestyle.

The benefit of running a home based greeting card business is that you have nobody preventing you from earning as much as you want to. And you won't have to ask anyone to pay you more. You now decide on when you want a raise.

Plus, with our greeting card business opportunity, you have the benefit of making a residual income from mailing greeting cards.

You work more when you want to earn more or cut your hours when money isn't too tight. You decide when and if you want to branch out and build your greeting card business empire.

Now you know about the benefits. Let's talk reality of starting a greeting card business.

You're not going to wake up and start making 0 a day without doing something to reach that goal. Makes sense right? I will tell you that it is possible to make that much money though if you work.

If you're looking for a turnkey, get rich quick miracle, this greeting card business opportunity isn't it. Go buy a lottery ticket and pray that your numbers win big.

The reality is though, if you will stay consistent and build up your greeting card clients, you can do extremely well at this home business. I explain it like building an apartment building. It takes time to build but once you start renting out rooms you come into a flood of money each and every month.
There are a lot of people who don't take the time to educate themselves about this business, and those are the ones who fail to generate any money and continue spinning their wheels until they finally quit out of frustration.

It is so important to have a coach to be right there and walk you through the process of building a successful greeting card business.

Buyer beware - there are a lot of people out there and you're going to be very disappointed if you join by the seat of your pants and don't get with someone that can coach you personally when starting a greeting card business.

Some marketers will tell only half the story - others will blatantly lie (or maybe they just mislead because they don't know what they're talking about). But a few are very, very reliable and give you exactly what you need to build a blueprint for your online greeting card business success.

I'm going to show you the route many have used to gain the financial and personal freedom you now desire. You'll be learning the basics first - like boot camp for greeting card marketers.

All of your fundamental questions will be answered, and some rules will be spelled out before we move on to specific strategies like building a list of prospects, generating traffic to your personal branding site, and developing partnerships with other business owners so you can take in a lot of money in a short period of time.

All of the nitty gritty details of our greeting card business opportunity- the elements most sponsors skip over because they assume you know this stuff already, I'm going to share with you.

You will get a ninety day greeting card business plan to help you become successful.

At the end of this introduction to the greeting card business, you should have all of the fundamental knowledge you need to launch a solid business where you're at the helm, placing one building block on the next until you reach the level of success you've always dreamed about.

This isn't some industry where you can waft in and out from one day to the next. If you're serious about this, it can become a multi-million dollar empire - a bona fide business you can pass down to your heirs.

If you have the motivation and mindset to become a greeting card entrepreneur, taking on the responsibilities that entails, along with reaping the rewards, then you might be a perfect fit to don a new career hat as a business owner.

If your needs are more pressing, then it's advisable that you go out and get a job that has a steady paycheck attached to it. Then, work on building your online greeting card business in your spare time until it reaches a level of success where you can afford to turn in your resignation and work toward increasing your earnings over time.

Having your own online greeting card business isn't a magic bullet. However, it can provide you with the financial security, the lifestyle, and the prestige you want out of your life. If you're hesitant or need more information, it only means you're proceeding with caution, and that's perfectly normal.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Roulette Tips - 10 Roulette Tips for Instant Roulette Profits

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I know exactly what you're thinking! "Can I beat the casino and win at Roulette." Well here's my answer: yes you can. A myriad of Roulette Tips circulate around the web and in literature, but here's 10 quick Roulette Tips that are guaranteed to increase your profits and jeopardise casino earnings:

Roulette Tip 1# Use a Roulette System that is free, easy to operate and uses outside table positions to bet on. Never pay for a Roulette System. The collection of free "Roulette Tips" that circulate the web are adequate enough to guide you in a winning direction. Often, a merchant that requires payment is attempting to defraud you, beware!

Roulette Tip 2# Only ever bet on the outside chances: Red/Black, Odd/Even, High/Low, Columns or Dozens. This Roulette Tip is crucial in understanding and operating a successful system. It's easy to implement and although the rewards are marginal you will walk away a winner (keep reading for details on a free Roulette System).

Roulette Tip 3# Monitor the Roulette Table. Positioned within any Roulette Tip or Tips should be an instruction of "observe the previous few numbers". Whether online or in a physical casino venue, a marquee of previous numbers from prior spins are displayed. These can assist the gambler in making his next prediction. For instance, if a sequence of 10 black numbers were to be spun in, maybe the player should think about betting on red. This Roulette Tip is the essence of many Roulette Systems and is often employed by successful players who frequently record profits.

Roulette Tip 4# Try your Roulette System on a free table before operating it for financial gain. Preferably practice your system on a table that enables you to spin the wheel without laying a bet. OK, this stipulation isn't necessary during free play, but its necessity will transpire when you transfer to the cash tables. This Roulette Tip merely puts you into good practice before you start betting for money.

Roulette Tip 5# Reserve your winnings. Example: You begin with a pot of . After 1 hour of play you possess a total of 0 equating to an obvious profit of . Withdraw the winnings into your bank account. Clearly the session of Roulette cannot be lost, you can only draw even. This is a fundamental Roulette Tip for any casino player. Always pocket the money you win and play with your original stake. If you lose your stake within a short period, do not be tempted to make further deposits. Perhaps the most crucial Roulette Tip for any player...never bet more than you can afford to lose.

Roulette Tip 6# Assess not only the Roulette Table, but also what you are doing. Roulette Tip No. 5 relates to concentration. To systematically cash-in on Roulette you must remember you are not engaged in competition with the casino. Focus your resolve on generating profit, NOT beating the casino into submission.

Roulette Tip 7# The Roulette Tip in this section is simple but imperative. Only ever play the European Roulette Table and never the American Roulette Table. The double 00 on the American Table increases the casino's advantage. The European Roulette Table only has a 2.63% advantage over you the player.

Roulette Tip 8# The most indispensable Roulette Tip in this short examination relates to casino software (providing you play online). ONLY ever sign-up to an established casino brand that publishes its payout percentages. Any amount of unscrupulous casinos exist online, and they operate without a Random Number Generator (RNG) meaning whichever betting patterns and procedures you adopt the software will not be beaten. The Casino player will not be able to participate in a fair game Roulette as a Random number is exchanged for a known number by the casino. Many of these schemes have been uncovered recently; operated by fraudulent characters seeking to cash-in on the Casino player.

Roulette Tip 9# Roulette Tip No. 9 is for the physical casino only. Scrutinize the wheel for approximately 1000 spins to detect any bias. Such a Roulette Tip appears unwarranted, but Roulette Tables are notorious for having a bias. For example, the table may produce more Odd numbers than Even, or more Middle Dozen numbers than Low or high. The drawback to this Roulette Tip is the prolonged monitoring of the table before betting can commence, and, of course, the tenacity of the Casino manager who will regularly change the wheel. It does however often work effectively.

Roulette Tip 10# Finally, print, review and absorb this Roulette Tip guide. It encompasses all of the required details to walk away a winner (without one ingredient of course, a Roulette System, see below). These roulette Tips should act as a Bible, and a manual for ensuring a lucrative profit from a fair game of Roulette.

Implement these 10 quick Roulette Tips and you are guaranteed to increase your profits and jeopardise casino earnings.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Pick Winning Lotto Numbers - Find Out How to Win the Lottery Now!

Lottery Number Generator :

Would you like to know the secret to how to pick winning lotto numbers? Do you purchase lottery tickets on a daily basis? Don't you wish you could just win already? If you answered yes then you should keep reading this article. There are a lot of easy things that you can do that will give you a better chance of winning. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps.

One of the first things that you will need start making sure that you are picking your own numbers. When it comes to picking numbers for the lotto it is always a good idea to pick your own numbers. The reason for this is that it allows you to pick your own number combinations and put them in any order that you want. When you do a quick pick for the lotto the machine is just picking numbers at random. This will not increase your chance of winning the lottery. So when it comes to picking lotto numbers it is best to do it yourself.

There are lots of different ways you can go about how to pick winning lottery numbers. You also need to remember there are ways you should avoid also. For example, making your lotto picks from anniversaries or birthdays is not the best idea to base picking your numbers. The best thing you can do to improve your chances of winning is to do some research.

You need to take the time to go back and see what numbers are winning the most and this will give you a small advantage. This will help you figure out what numbers are coming up the most. This is what you need to know to figure out what numbers you need to play the most.

Next you will want to take into account all the different number combinations. There are lots of them but what you can do is start eliminating a lot of these numbers. One common example is the number combination of 1, 2, 3, 4. There are many lotto players who will choose this set of numbers hoping that one day they will come in. These numbers are so rare that you will hardly ever see them come up and you should probably just stay away from picking those numbers. This is one simple step that will increase your chance of winning and help you with how to pick winning lotto numbers.