Friday, June 29, 2012

Pick 3 Lottery Number Generators Can Make You an Automatic Loser

Lottery Number Generator :

Every Pick 3 player who really wants to be a winner looks to Pick 3 Lottery Number Generators to help him/her to find winning lottery numbers using filters. The filters use past drawn winning numbers in order to gain this necessary needed information.

The first step usually involves researching past performances of the local Daily 3 Lottery in one's own State. The time period for this research can vary from 7 days to 60 days. In the States with a single Pick 3 draw per day system there is not a problem. In States with multiple draws, for example, one Midday and one Evening draw the Pick 3 Lottery Number Generators suggest to collect information for either one, but not both.

In this article I have chosen to use a seven-day system using the Illinois Pick 3 Midday drawn numbers from March 21 through March 27, 2010. The Pick 3 winning numbers drawn were.... 092....318...780....667....234....229....565.

One of the first and most common generally known filters used is the Hot/Cold filter. The most frequent drawn digit(s) or "Hot Number" and its counterpart the "Cold Number" which is represented by any non-drawn digits or least drawn digits are combined together to create new playable Pick 3 numbers. Technically, and to avoid confusion later I will refer to these single numbers as "digits", and the set of the three digits that make up the Pick 3 winner as "numbers".

You use all the digits individually with each filter. For the most frequently drawn or "Hot Digits" determined from the IL Pick 3 Lottery Numbers the following list is developed....2 (drawn 4 times), 6 (drawn 3 times), 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, & 0 (all drawn 2 times each), and finally 1 & 4 (drawn 1 time each). The 1 and 4 digits are designated as the "cold digits".

The next step in the process of this filtering is to combine these hot and cold digits to create a list of playable Pick 3 numbers that will become the next winning number. The formula looks like this [hot digits + cold digits = next winning number] or [2 & 6 + 1 & 4]. The resulting playable numbers are 261, 264, 214, and 614.

To increase the lottery player's chances of winning the Pick 3 Lottery he needs to use some of the middle range drawn digits [3, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 0] that only appeared once during the week.

Another couple of favorite filters that these Pick 3 Number Generators use are the Odd/Even filter and the High/Low filter. With the odd /even filter the lottery player wants to attempt to reach a balance between the odd digits [1, 3, 5, 7, & 9] and the even digits [0, 2, 4, 6, & 8]. With the high/low filter the same lottery player looks to balance the high numbers [5, 6, 7, 8, & 9] and the low numbers [0, 1, 2, 3, & 4].

For balance and consideration of these two additional filters, namely the odd/even and high/low digit filter, the Pick 3 player adds 5 & 9 to the hot digit group. The formula now becomes [2, 5, 6, 9 + 1 & 4]. Now this means that the Pick 3 player is not going to include the following digits [0, 3, 7, & 8] in developing his list of playable numbers.

Now the Pick 3 player feels confident that using these three filters he has generated the following balanced group of numbers from these three filters [1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 9]. In addition to the defined hot/cold filtered digits, the player has a balance of three odd digits and three even digits as well as 3 low digits and 3 high digits. All of this seems to be right and correct and the process moves forward now to calculate and produce a list of numbers to consider for play in the Pick 3 lottery.

But here is why these filters don't work. These filters actually make these Pick 3 numbers and the Pick 3 lottery player an "automatic loser"; even before the lottery player begins to create the list of playable numbers. Remember those four digits that you did not include in your formulas [0, 3, 7, & 8]. Do you know for each digit that the player eliminates he eliminates 271 possible winning straight combinations? Any winning drawn Pick 3 number that contains one of these four digits makes the number and the Pick 3 player an "automatic loser".

No matter how many numbers the player creates to play from his selected Pick 3 lottery number generators' number pool there is no stopping him/her from becoming an automatic loser. Any following IL Pick 3 Midday drawn winning number that contains a zero, three, seven, or eight is an automatic loser. An (AL) will follow each subsequent drawn Pick 3 Number to demonstrate and validate this solid piece of lottery information.

Returning to the Illinois Lottery Pick 3 Game here are the next twelve Midday drawn numbers from March 28 through April 8, 2010 as drawn:.... 935(AL)....664....638(AL)....745(AL)....769(AL)....176(AL)....316(AL)....317(AL)....334(AL)....356(AL).....880(AL) &.....106(AL).

There are 11 automatic losing numbers and one BIG AUTOMATIC LOSING Pick 3 player thanks to the Pick 3 Lottery Number Generators that used the traditional filters of hot-cold, odd-even, and high-low digits, and eliminated digits from their Pick 3 Lottery play. It is also very likely that 664 becomes an automatic loser with some of these Pick 3 Lottery Number Generators because the filters don't provide for a Pick 3 double or 3-way number in their system.

If you want to be a Winner in the Pick 3 Lottery find a Pick 3 System that doesn't eliminate digits and/or numbers.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Online Training - There is No Substitute For Using Tried and Tested Methods For Success

Lottery Number Generator :

The Internet has many things to offer, especially to those that are seeking online success. With e-commerce and eMarketing strategies and solutions being a Global 24/7 practise where else could everyday people or businessman build revenues reaching six figure incomes and beyond involving less and less Internet knowledge over shorter and shorter time periods as the Internet grows. The Internet is literally full of inordinate amounts of resources for promotion, which isn't just for Internet based businesses, making the Internet marketers audience limitless.

With tens of thousands of people joining the Internet 'Daily' online business has never seen so much growth and with Global economic climates making it harder and harder for people to realise and reach their full income potential offline, someone coming to the Internet for additional revenue or to generate far greater levels of income now genuinely has a higher probability in achieving that success.

However the Internet is not a magic wand that is able to guarantee whatever you do will reap high rewards. As with any type of venture, business or otherwise there are pitfalls and rip-offs around every corner just waiting for poor unsuspecting customers itching to jump in and claim their piece of the Golden Apple. So many of the thousands coming online looking for that genuine article are sucked in drained of all their hard earned investment and spat back out the other side completely disillusioned with the whole thing claiming all Internet Businesses or Opportunities are rip offs or scams. And as the saying goes bad news travels fast.

So many are driven by the miracle claims and bright lights of overnight wealth that once bitten they generally have a predetermined opinion that all of the business propositions online are of the same metal. Whilst the truth is that they certainly are not. But one thing remains true; there really are no overnight magic wands, unless people wish to 'Risk' it all on Stocks and Shares, Online Casino's or Lotteries. It's a sad fact but very true. The best advice is 'Beware' of bogus or outlandish claims and use due diligence before making rash decisions or parting with any money.

The Internet would not be alive today if all Business Opportunities or Programs were of an illicit calibre and what you are reading now could not even have been possible if it was indeed the case.

When looking for success in any facet we should be looking only at genuine Business ventures or Opportunity Programs with solidity, ideally a genuine online business may have something like. A Free entry with the facility to upgrade once you have investigated further or a reasonably realistic sign-up fee with a genuine return for that initial investment stated.

A demonstrate-able success formula or easy to follow courses that can be applied or followed over a realistic time period as well as facilities for open discussions with people currently involved, and of course the owner of the business. Additionally they should be able to learn from those within that are already walking that specific path to success. Not only that but it should have a system in place that is able to teach any new skills that will be needed and have every available aspect that enable us to fulfil that requirement so as to attain our full potential.

Certainly it should be a good solid foundation where people can build-up their income levels as they progress within the business ultimately reaching their goals, and understanding exactly what action created a reaction along the way so as to understand the exact involvement in achieving and obtaining them. As well as utilising state of the art techniques and strategies in order to deliver and keep on top of the rapid influx of new business being generated daily. What it should 'Not' be is some fly-by-night scheme or scam that projects overnight riches.

Once reasonably established what Businesses or Opportunity Programs people should and should not be looking at or getting involved in for creating that high return residual incomes and generating a solid foundation that will secure themselves their family and their family's, families members long past the retirement years

You'd think the choice would be simple. Well it certainly narrows down the options that are currently available but as with the un-genuine opportunities that are available online there are certainly a good number of highly realistic genuine one's. Deciding which happen to be the best can be an unrewarding exercise but certainly a fruitful one.

Upon further eradication you would establish that there are several different types of genuine opportunity to suit different purposes as well as taste. Adding to that the best forms of resource found within each for attaining that goal and you would come up with a pretty good shortlist for an opportunity incorporating a majority of all the others processes.

In short the predominant feature that secures Internet or Online Success across the entire spectrum is mass marketing, but not just any old mass marketing it has to be a highly significant process that is sort by all or as many that will continue to follow in an exciting promotion system with a product that is equally exciting and easily marketable.

Cutting through the fog is not always easy and to make matters worse the very top opportunities all claim that same elusive status. If marketing were not the most predominant feature for Online Success then the search engines we all use would be tiny by comparison. But knowing that they dominate the Internet is a sure key to offering individual Success.

Evaluating some of the top Online Businesses and Opportunities is not an easy task. This is mainly been due to the fact of their individual lives. Whilst some are significantly mature and well established others in comparison seemingly just starting out are also equally just as technically advanced and highly equipped to provide members with a good solid business base offering a long term residual income from several streams within.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Security Is the Core of the SMB Network

Lottery Number Generator :

There seems to be a shared sense of confidence by small and mid-sized businesses that their organization won't ever face a critical security breach. If I had a dime for every SMB owner or decision maker who dismissed potential security threats, I'd be able to buy a yacht. The truth is there's no safe haven when it comes to security, and no organization is safe; not the largest retailers, the smallest mom and pop distributors, or any size organization in between.

Verizon Business performed a study in 2010 of the amount and severity of data breaches and found alarming statistics. The Data Breach Report showed that there were 760 intrusions in 2010, compared to just 141 in 2009 (Baker, et al., 2010). Ironically, the amount of data affected or otherwise compromised was lower than in previous years, but at the end of the day, what impact would just one security incident have on your business? It could be something relatively minor such as some hooligan desecrating your website, or it could be a serious incursion into your sales records, customer payment information, and/or intellectual property. What would that type of breach cost your business? Only you know the answer to that.

In general, network security can be categorized as either physical or virtual. One of the best security documents I have ever seen was written by Richard Kissel for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a division of the US Department of Commerce. In it, Kissel described essential considerations for every small and mid-sized business regardless of industry or specialization. According to Kissel, the main areas to note are "'absolutely necessary' steps to take, highly recommended practices to avoid problems before they happen, and other optional planning contingencies in case of an issue." (Kissel, 2009) Most of these three sections are further divided into the two distinctions previously mentioned, physical and virtual.

Physical security is fairly straightforward to address. Essentially, it encompasses the mitigation of any direct attempt to access facilities and/or assets by a person or group. Measures to consider include the obvious locked doors, security cameras, security guards, etc., but potential areas of compromise also include some that are not so obvious. Not making sure that non-employee personnel are on the up-and-up can be a huge oversight. Maybe someone on the cleaning crew has light fingers, or enough technical know-how to penetrate your network. This is the perfect application for an IP camera. There are some all-purpose units like the APC NetBotz product line that combines environmental and intrusion monitoring with IP cameras to collect data for a defined period of time. Email alerts are available for staff or other designees who can then act on the information provided.

There are instances where physical and virtual elements of network security merge, and a great example of this is a token-based solution. The user has either a key "fob" or other physical device that generates a random passcode as needed for entrance to an inner network as a sign on. If lost, the device cannot be accessed without proper credentials, and an IT staffer can wipe it remotely of all information. Some of these solutions, including offerings from RSA, that place a software widget on employee endpoints to perform the same function. These token-based solutions can be very expensive, which is often a stopping point for most SMB organizations. However, for those who are extraordinarily sensitive to the potential of a breach, it could be money well spent.

You've locked your doors, trained your personnel, and added purpose-built IP "eyes" to keep watch. So now you can address outside threats, but where do you start? Most networks in the modern world are protected by a firewall. The term "firewall" originates from the firefighting community, and in that world, a firewall is a barrier established to prevent the spread of fire. In a way, this is the basic function of a network firewall as the goal is to keep out anything that can damage your infrastructure.'s broad definition of a firewall is "a set of related programs, located at a network gateway server that protects the resources of a private network from users from other networks." (, 2000) Did you notice that this definition didn't specify hardware or software? That's because it doesn't have to! Typically an SMB network might include an appliance such as those built by Cisco, SonicWALL, or Barracuda. However, there's no reason a network firewall can't be software, as mentioned in the definition above, which can be located on the network router or the main server. A good example of this are the firewall services built into the operating system of the Cisco router line.

Other applications that function within the firewall sphere include anti-virus/anti-malware, content filtering, and intrusion prevention. The first is a way to mitigate the infiltration of viruses, spyware, and the like through email or other "friendly" traffic. Content filtering prevents employees and other users from surfing websites that are not business-related, that can pose potential risks, or are inappropriate in subject matter. Intrusion prevention is designed to fend off attacks from hackers and automated groups of networks or PCs looking to exploit any network flaw or unprotected opening.

While the firewall is the most common application for security-conscious organizations, it shouldn't be the only measure taken to keep the infrastructure safe. It's important to secure other entry points like wireless networks, user PCs, and laptops. Wireless networks should have an enhanced security protocol for access such as WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) or WEP (Wired-Equivalency Protocol). In many cases, if the attacker has to work to break-in they will likely move on to an easier target. Individual users with laptops can inadvertently bring bad things inside your firewall. Maybe some casual home surfing deposits malware that's not seen because it's outside the network borders. It's imperative that when the machine is reconnected, potential threats are scanned and quarantined before they can propagate through the network.

Some security risks are borne out of user behavior which suggests the need for best-practice policies to be in place regardless of investments in hardware and software. These include, but are not limited to:

• Requiring users to change passwords every 30 to 60 days

• Requiring passwords to contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters, at least one number, and at least one special character

• Limiting access to various areas of the network dependent on user types and job function

Since training is imperative, users should be required to sign off on receipt of these guidelines as well as an agreement to abide by them.

Having physical and virtual security isn't enough. Routine maintenance on these devices and software is critical to keeping it safe. The first step is to make sure all patches and firmware are up-to-date on network endpoints and core devices. Secondly, your maintenance program should include verified, usable backups of all critical data, and there are a variety of different methods, from old tape drives, to newer external hard drives, to seamless remote electronic backup solutions.

The choice of backup solution has everything to do with budget and tolerance for downtime. For most, having data automatically encrypted and routed offsite to a secure location gives the best peace of mind and a valid disaster recovery platform to mitigate the loss should a situation occur.

There have been documented instances of information loss due to poor practices in disposing of documents and old hardware. I think back to a scene in the movie Animal House when several members of Delta fraternity were rooting through a dumpster to find a copy of their midterm test. Don't fool yourself into thinking that there aren't individuals or organizations that would take such steps. Law enforcement has cracked open near-dead cases based on evidence obtained from trash receptacles and landfills. Once it's out for collection, trash becomes public property and anyone has access to it. Fully shredding organizational documents, not just financial documents, is vital. This rule doesn't just pertain to paper; it includes hard drives, data collection, or any network device that stores data. Remember, properly destroyed data should always be accompanied by a certificate of destruction. If your organization is required to maintain governmental compliance, such as HIPAA or Sarbanes-Oxley, taking these precautions may not be an option but a requirement.

One other thing, which is somewhat related to training, is the awareness of the impact of "social engineering." defines this concept as "a personal or electronic attempt to obtain unauthorized information or access to systems/facilities or sensitive areas by manipulating people." We've all seen phishing scams claiming we've won the lottery in a foreign country, or that our cousin is stranded somewhere and needs money wired immediately. The same kinds of scams can be targeted at a business using a sympathetic ear on the phone to gain access, or a tear-jerking email to get an unsuspecting employee to click a link to help stray animals. Once again, education and training will eliminate such breaches.

The bottom line is there's a world of bad things out there that are looking for a chance to make an impact. Not heeding the warnings could be costly, as nearly 50% of small businesses fail within two years of a total or catastrophic data loss or event. So security should be priority one in making sure your organization is on the right track. Don't let your guard down and stay vigilant, and the resulting peace of mind is irreplaceable.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Know How to Play Pick 4 For Your Chance at Instant Cash

Lottery Number Generator :

Many individuals have been attracted and engrossed in the lottery games. These offer lucrative winnings for small wagers. While it is considered to be gambling, there is very little to lose and is well regulated. The chances of developing a gambling problem with lottery is relatively small. To most, it is considered as a form of entertainment while hoping to get a chance to gain some extra instant cash on the side.

There are various forms of lottery games. There is the Pick 3, Pick 4 and many variations of the 6-digit lotto games. The more numbers you play with, the smaller the odds are at winning. This is why the pick 3 and pick 4 are among the most constantly played games. These offer small prizes as compared to the bigger lottery games. However, the chances of winning is bigger. Generally, as long as you are at least eighteen years old, you can have the opportunity to purchase your own ticket at any authorized retailer in your state.

If you would like to know how to play pick 4 to get your chance at winning, this is quite easy. The rules are simple and the stakes are quite small. First, you must decide on four digits that you would like to use as your personal combination. This can be a significant date or perhaps just something that you like. It can be any number between 0000 and 9999. Using the betting slip, you should then diligently plot your chosen numbers and present it to the retailer for them to provide you with your official ticket. In the event that you can not seem to decide on the combination, you do not have to worry. You can opt to use the Quick-pick option that every authorized retailer offers. With this, the computer will randomly provide you with a four-digit combination using a software generator. As soon as you have paid for your wager and the ticket has been given to you, you must inspect it for accuracy and duly sign the back to ensure your ownership of the ticket.

Various combination game plays that you can opt to do for each game. Some offer more chances of winning as your combination can be able to match the drawn numbers in any particular order. However, if you opt for this, the prize at stake would be smaller than that of a straight combination where it should match the drawn numbers in precise order. There are different guidelines on how to play pick 4 combination boxes. You should be diligent in understanding the terms for each one for you to avoid any inconsistencies or inconveniences.

Knowing how to play pick 4 is just as important as knowing when to wait for the results. These are drawn twice each day, seven days each week. There is a midday draw (often after lunch hours) and once each evening. The results are also posted on the retailer's boards as well as in the local papers. So that you can be able to check if you are the lucky winner for that draw. The actual prizes vary on fixed or pari-mutuel rates that you would need to know depending on the state that you are playing in.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Should We Allow MLM and Network Marketing?

Lottery Number Generator :

scam - a dishonest scheme; a fraud: [with adj. ] an insurance scam.

When I was younger there was a very clear definition of this word. This was before the internet, MLM or Network Marketing. It was clear that if someone was scammed they had been relieved of something valuable (usually money) for nothing in return (or consideration, to use a legal term). Scamming was done by people with the intent of being dishonest. Such people will always find a way. These days they can duplicated your ATM card or credit card and find your PIN and, hey presto, relieve you of your money giving you nothing in return. There are people who forge money or gems or tell you you've won the Spanish lottery when you haven't even played it. These are scams.

Today, unfortunately, this word is all over the internet. Sometimes even in its correct context. You see, the internet has given many people a voice. It has given everyone a voice. This article website is a perfect example. It allows me to jot down my thoughts and opinions for the public to see and it allows them to respond with their own opinions. Nice.

It also means that people's opinions ma be taken as unverified fact. It's a double edged sword. I know many of you who read this are in the network marketing businesses and MLM opportunities. Opportunities that offer people the chance to become business owners and build teams, a chance at empowerment to make their own decisions. I am sure that you believe in the products that you sell as well as the compensation plan otherwise you wouldn't be successful, right? You understood the risks, the numbers and you read the terms and conditions, right?

So what happens when someone doesn't make it in this industry when the statistics show that only 3% will? Should we close down this type of business model? Should we stop franchises or bricks and mortar businesses where there is a two year break-even period and perhaps only a 9% long-term success rate? Should we allow lotteries where the chance of winning is astronomical?

Are these scams because the success rate is so low?

Do we have an obligation to the majority to deny an opportunity where only a minority will succeed?

As always, I look forward to your comments and leave you with this quote from the Buddha;

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.

Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books.

Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders.

Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations.

But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." Buddha

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Powerball and Mega Millions Jackpot Odds

Lottery Number Generator :

With the recent change in its matrix, Powerball reclaimed the infamous position of being the most outrageously exploitive lottery game in the United States, a position previously held by another despicable game known as the Mega Millions.

In the new Powerball matrix, which is denoted by 5/59 + 1/39 for brevity, the player selects 5 numbers 1 to 59, plus, a Powerball number 1 to 39. With such a format, the chances of winning the jackpot have jumped to nearly one in 200 million - to be exact they are 1 in 195,249,054. Similarly, Mega Millions with a matrix of 5/56 + 1/46, has jackpot odds of 1 in 175,711,536. When mentioned like this, they are nothing more than just numbers, but the real questions is what the physical significance of these numbers is.

A visitor to our web site once asked to buy the printout of all the possible Powerball combinations. At first thought, it would appear to be a simple and lucrative business idea since a few lines of computer program with a very powerful machine can generate the numbers. So far so good. Then, we tried to figure out what would be the size of the book that would hold all the numbers. We picked up the biggest and most common book around and it happened to be the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate dictionary, which has 1,600 pages of fine print and with 100 lines a page laid out in two columns. We determined that we can fit four columns of Powerball numbers on a page each with 100 lines, which means that we can print 400 combinations on a single page. Well, some of us were quite surprised to find out that the dictionary can hold only 640,000 combinations, and for all the 195,249,054 Powerball numbers we will require 305 dictionary-sized books. A similar calculation would result in 275 books for Mega Millions. You can now imagine what it means to pick the right Powerball or Mega Millions number combination in order to hit the jackpot.

As if picking the right book out of 305 or 275 is not hard enough, one has to flip through 1,600 pages of that right book to pick the right page, and then the right number out of the 400 numbers on a page. In fact, a player would be very lucky if he/she can pick the right book at the outset much less proceeding to the next two steps. It certainly is true to say that you have a better chance of being hit by lightning than to hit a jackpot. However, note that this cliche would be a fallacy if the last word, jackpot, as many people say it, is replaced by lottery, since thousands of people win 0,000 or more every year in the lottery while less than a 100 get killed by lightning. Moreover, if it serves as a consolation, you have a better chance of hitting either a Powerball or a Mega Millions jackpot than being elected as the President of the United States.

One may argue that Powerball and Mega Millions are not only about the jackpots, there are also lower prizes as well. Nevertheless, the odds of the second prizes are not comforting either. They are 1 in 5,138,133 for Powerball and 1 in 3,904,701 for Mega Millions to get a 5-of-5 without the Ball. These are equivalent to picking a number from 8 and 6 dictionary-sized books, respectively.

Although millions of people play these games, there is usually no jackpot winner week after week simply because the ticket sales are not large enough to cover all the possible combinations, therefore many numbers are left out. As a result, consecutive no-winner draws will drive the big prize up to several hundreds of millions of dollars. In fact, the people at Powerball and Mega Millions will be rejoicing every time there is no jackpot winner since it means more ticket sales; so will the players, since it means another shot at the big money on its next draw. Some people have even established the notion that these games are rigged to draw unsold numbers in order to elevate the jackpot. Why on earth would anybody bother to rig these games and get in trouble while the beautiful science of probability takes care of it.

Certainly, as the jackpot amount grows, more and more people start playing the game and more and more numbers get covered. Even the most ardent critics of the big lottery games will start spending a buck or two. Who will not be lured by the fact that a dollar can buy such an exorbitant amount. After all, it is, as the saying goes, nothing ventured nothing gained; or no guts no glory. And somewhere, sometime, however long it takes, somebody wins, and it might as well be you. But don't count on it, since it is like finding a number from 305 books each with 1600 pages and each page with 400 numbers.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Learning the Basics of the Keno Play

Lottery Number Generator :

Keno is one of the most exciting casino games that have ever been devised. Basically, it is the amount of prizes to be won that draws the people into this worldwide popular game. Those who are fond of playing the state lotteries may find Keno as a relatively easy game to play. The mechanics of the game is just similar to the ordinary state lottery, only with a few tweaks. Since money is at stake here, it is simply necessary for the novices to know the basics of keno play before proceeding with the game.

In a live casino game, you can easily acquire your ticket to play keno. There are "runners" who come around to "invite" you to join a particular draw. If you have expressed your desire to join, you will later be directed to the keno window to get your ticket, or you can simply fill up the keno ticket from that same runner. Generally, the ticket contains ball numbers from 1 through 80. You have to select the numbers that you think will be drawn. In most scenarios, you are allowed to pick up to 20 random numbers. It just depends on the rules of the house as to how many numbers or "spots" is allowable for a particular draw. After you have finished marking your preferred numbers, the "runners" will now collect the tickets and fees from all the players. The keno draw will start according to the scheduled time. In most modern casinos, keno games usually commence at predetermined intervals.

Upon receiving the "outside ticket" or game receipt, you are now ready to play the keno game. The balls are drawn using a round glass container called a "bubble". The numbers of the drawn balls are posted on every computer screen around the casino. Once the draw has finished, you will have to check your ticket to find out if the numbers matched yours. This will indicate whether you win or lose in a particular game, although there are some casinos that pay out for tickets that do not have any matched numbers. If you have chosen the 0 spot, you can also have the chance of winning for not having any "hit" numbers in your ticket.

The prize to be won in a keno play generally depends on the number of matched spots in your ticket. The basic premise here is that the more numbers you pick, the more likely you can win. Still, there are some instances that betting for more numbers will not give you big chances in the game. Every casino has its own set of rules and paytables. "Paytable" is another term in keno game that refers to the applicable payoffs for each set of game. Today, online versions of this casino game have sprouted around the web. The only difference of playing online keno from the traditional casino way is the method of drawing the numbered balls. Here, the balls are automatically drawn through a random number generator. The online draw starts the moment you have finished selecting your numbers and placing your bet.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Premium Bonds - A Great Investment Celebrates Its 50th Birthday

Lottery Number Generator :

When UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Harold Macmillan announced the introduction of Premium Bonds in his budget on April 17th 1956, first reactions were unfavourable. The church condemned the proposed draw and opposition chancellor Harold Wilson dubbed it a "squalid raffle" that would lead to "national demoralisation". But 1950s Britain was ready for a bit of luck. After the hardships endured in World War II, many saw the opportunity to invest in the chance to win dividends of up to £1,000 in the monthly prize draw as a welcome distraction from the daily grind.

Officially launched on November 1st 1956 by the National Savings Committee, the first Premium Bond was bought by the then Lord Major of London, Sir Cuthbert Ackroyd. Other dignitaries followed suit across the UK. Although some continued to protest against the plans, often on religious grounds, the Post Office soon reported queues of hopeful investors patiently waiting to buy their £1 Bonds.

The first draw took place on June 2nd 1957 and was started by the Postmaster General, Ernest Marples. The winning numbers were generated by the purpose built Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment (ERNIE) and the first winner announced after 15 minutes. Even though it took a further ten days for the machine to select the rest of the winning numbers, the Bonds proved an instant hit and sales took off. People viewed them as an opportunity for a bit of harmless fun and Premium Bonds soon became a popular way to gift an investment to new born babies.

As Premium Bonds established a place in British culture, a surprise celebrity emerged from their success - ERNIE. The machine that generates the lucky numbers each month was conceived by talented Post Office engineer Tommy Flowers whose Colossus computer had been instrumental in the code-breaking work at Bletchley Park during the war. Soon after the first draw of 1957, ERNIE's fan mail poured in from Bond holders hoping to turn their luck and coach parties arrived in Blackpool to view the van-sized machine. As the number of investors grew and technology improved, ERNIE needed a face lift with new models appearing in 1973 and 1988. Finally, ERNIE Mark 4 came into operation in 2004 and reduced the draw time from 10 days to two and a half hours. After every draw, ERNIE's numbers are independently checked by top government mathematicians to verify their random nature, countering any claims of foul play.

Today, Premium Bonds are more popular than ever, thanks partly to the introduction of a tax free £1 million jackpot in April 1994 and their favourable odds compared to the National Lottery. By September 2004, 23 million investors had joined in a 24,000 to 1 chance of winning a prize although statistical analysis of previous results shows that certain factors might better your outcome. If you are called Hannah or live in Bolton you have the highest probability of winning the big prize and you should always take care to buy your Bonds on a Wednesday.

While smaller prizes are sent in the post, each month the £1 million jackpot winner receives a special visit from "Agent Million". Dispatched from the National Savings and Investment Headquarters in Blackpool, this mystery lady has the wonderful job of delivering the good news in person. As she puts it, "I think it's a fantastic job, to go out every month driving along thinking I'm going to make a big difference to someone and put a smile on their face at the end of the day." Her identity is a closely guarded secret and if you want her to come knocking on your door, it may be worth checking your records. Over the years, more than 38,000 people have failed to claim prize money totalling £2.7 million and all because they forgot to give ERNIE their new address.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Should You Pick Your Own Lottery Numbers Or Buy a Quick-Pick Ticket?

Lottery Number Generator :

Do people win the lottery more often when picking their own numbers? Or is a random quick-pick ticket just the same?

Quick-pick tickets are certainly a popular and convenient way to play the lottery. But surely your chances must be better if you carefully select the numbers yourself. Aren't they?

Some definitely believe there is an art to picking lottery numbers. While others would swear that using numbers that came to them in a dream or some other esoteric way are clearly going to be winners.

It's certainly true that using your 'chosen numbers', however they were selected, gives a certain sense of control over the lottery. And it will definitely create a reassuring feeling that you were right if your 'system' wins even a smaller prize. But the true picture requires a step back to see events more clearly.

States and countries around the world spend a lot of money on their lottery machines and staff. They go a long way to ensure that the draw is fair to all players. And that means they make every possible effort to ensure the draw is random.

But on top of this effort, also consider that the numbers we choose are actually just markings on a ball (for most lotteries).

So will the ball with the number 7 on it be drawn more often because lots of people think of 7 as a lucky number? No. Because it's actually the little balls that come out of the draw machine, not numbers. The numbers themselves have no way of affecting the draw result at all.

The fact is, a quick-pick ticket actually has exactly the same chance of winning as a ticket made up of carefully selected lucky numbers. Just like a ticket created by a 'clever' computer program. Or a ticket created by any other means.

It may not be as much fun, but if you're in a hurry a quick-pick will not hurt your chances of winning the lottery.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tips For Winning the Lottery - How to Choose Lotto Numbers

Lottery Number Generator :

If you need information and tips for winning the lottery, then reading this article will be give you the chance to find your luck. Here are some of the tips that you can follow to make sure that you get a shot in the lottery game.

I know that you are fond of reading your daily horoscope. You know that almost all of the horoscope forecasts give lucky numbers. You can use the three of these numbers for your winning lotto numbers. You know that lottery is a game of chance and by choosing some of your lucky numbers might be your chance of getting a hit. After getting the three digits, the remaining three numbers may come from this list of popular numbers - 5, 7, 22, 29, 32, 11, 17, 25, 24.

You should check the winning combinations in the previous weeks. This will give you an idea of what numbers to choose for your winning combination. Sometimes, the numbers hitting in the previous weeks may hit the following week. This happened several times. You just have to make sure that you are not repeating all the sets because you will loose more money in that strategy. Just make sure that you do not include the bad numbers. This might ruin your lucky permutation.

These tips for winning the lottery can give you an idea of how lottery works and how you can play with the game. Since this is the game of luck, you have to play it with all your chances. If you have kids at home, take note on what they say to you. Sometime they just speak out a number. Try to add that number in you winning list. Kids are believed to be witty when it comes to numbers.

You can also choose lotto numbers using your name. You can add your first and second names and then your family name or you can try adding the first four digit of your social or its last four numbers. You can always get any number you want. This is luck. You never know what numbers will be coming out. Any number my win every draw. For continues luck, always look for tips in winning the lottery. I have a lot of tips that I can share to you. Always remember that any number can win. It is good to the tips for winning the lottery because these have been proven to provide you with better chances of getting the jackpot.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Can a Lottery Algorithm Help You Win a Random Jackpot?

Lottery Number Generator :

By nature, lotteries are set up to be random. That is, each number has an equal chance at being drawn. Yet, there are many people that believe that there are lottery algorithms that can help you win the big jackpot. Is this for real? Can a lottery algorithm help you win a jackpot that is purportedly random?

First off, the definition of an algorithm is "a set of instructions for solving a problem." In this case, the problem to be solved is how to win the lotto jackpot. If there is an algorithm for this, then that same algorithm should apply to other random events, such as a coin toss. You know that if you flip a coin, there is a 50-50 chance as to which side it would land on. So, said algorithm should be able to predict how many times that coin would land on heads if, say, it was flipped 100 times. But that sound preposterous, doesn't it? So why should we believe it when it comes to lotteries?

There are many theories as to how to predict future lottery numbers. The most popular of the theories are the hot-number theory and the cold-number theory. I won't explain the gist of the two theories, but I could assure you that they are just the way they sound. Think back to the coin toss. Would you bet that in the future, the coin would land on heads a lot more times than tails just because in the past few tosses, heads have been hot? No, of course not. Why? Because coin tosses are random, just as lottery balls coming out of the machine are random as well. No algorithm can predict future lottery numbers.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Our Psychic Sense and Dowsing the Lottery

Lottery Number Generator :

Sixth Sense -A Human Being's Non physical Component

Your first test is to come to terms with the fact that we humans have a nonphysical component that lends itself beyond our normal five senses. Consider our entire being, both the physical and nonphysical, similar to that of a huge iceberg in the Antarctic. Now, the tip typically represents about ten percent of the whole iceberg; that is, when you fly over an iceberg in the Antarctic, you are actually seeing a tiny section of a huge, floating ice mountain. Think of that part, the part that sticks out of the water, as both the physical and mental aspects that make up a human being. In other words, the iceberg's tip is both the flesh that makes up the body and the decision making voice in one's head.

Now, take the iceberg's remaining ninety percent, the part that sits submerged in the ocean. This part represents an even more dynamic and amazing aspect to our being. Just as the greater mass of an iceberg is hidden while flying over, so is a greater portion of our being. You could almost think of the water's surface, where the iceberg begins to protrude out of the water and into the air, as an interface between the conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is merely another gateway that lends itself to a deeper aspect of who we are. It's like a gateway to a much larger self and, just like the tip of an iceberg, there is a lot more to our being than what lies on the surface.

After considering for a moment that our being, both physical and nonphysical, could be compared to that of an iceberg, we can take the analogy one step further and reference both the ocean in which the iceberg floats and atmosphere above the surface.

The physical space in which an iceberg exists here on Earth is three-dimensional. We live on a three-dimensional physical plane of existence; we also have a time dimension on this physical plane. As a result, we are considered to be on a four-dimensional plane of existence.

The analogy holds true when you consider the ocean and the open air. Ninety percent of our iceberg sits submerged in the ocean, while ten percent protrudes into open air. If you were to treat the ocean like its own complex dimension, and the open air as our four-dimensional plane, you would see that the majority of our iceberg sits in one dimension, while protruding into another. This analogy holds true for all of mankind. A human being is nothing more than a small, physical representation of a much larger and more dynamic being. And for whatever reasons deemed necessary by the powers that be, we all come here with focused awareness and intent.

To extend the iceberg analogy, let us assume that our iceberg floats over an incredibly deep trench. This trench is so deep that it appears the ocean has no bottom. Likewise, from the surface, we look up into the day's beautiful blue sky and see nothing but vast blueness, no evidence of a universe in existence, but we know it exists. Could more dimensions or parallel universes exist outside the confines of our universe and we are just too small to recognize them?

The planet Earth sits in a solar system that sits in a galaxy and the galaxy sits in a cluster of nearby galaxies and these galaxies, amongst other things, make up our universe. Suppose the universe is in a cluster of universes, and that cluster is apart of an even bigger galaxy of universes. This process could potentially go on for infinity and we would never know it because we haven't the ability perceive anything directly outside of our universe.

What if our conscience works similar to such a belief? That is, what if our conscience is spread out over many dimensions or parallel universes, and only capable of perceiving one level of awareness at a time? This level of awareness would be of course here and now on this physical earthly plane. When we die, we transition or retract into another dimension; some might call it Heaven. The result is our consciousness doing an awareness shift, leaving the physical dimension through the shedding of the physical body, a necessary physical container for one's consciousness if one is to exist on this plane.

So here we are, all metaphorical icebergs floating around in the same great ocean, parts of our beings above water, and another part submerged below the surface, separate and individual, yet connected through common composition.

The Gatekeeper Mechanism

The very mechanism that connects us to this nonphysical level of being is like a gatekeeper. This gatekeeper is the very mechanism responsible for relaying information between the conscious and subconscious mind. It is a middleman, so to speak. We do not know where it resides; perhaps it is a chemical in the brain that purposely keeps our awareness focused in the physical for the sake of completing our earthly tasks. Perhaps it's not physical at all.

The subconscious has access to the higher self, the metaphorical ninety percent floating under the ocean. The nonphysical component of our being, that is, the conscious interaction between the gatekeeping mechanism and subconscious, is what is responsible for various psi-related phenomena such as remote viewing, astral projection, premonition, intuitiveness, and many others.

It also appears to exist as a protection mechanism. Perhaps in some cases, people find themselves in direct line with upcoming catastrophic events that could prematurely separate them from this plane of existence. As a result, being that their departure is too early, information is passed along, warning of preemptive danger, perhaps in the form of a vivid dream or gut feeling. This would be a premonition, so to speak.


What if time was merely a perceptual phenomenon? That is, what if time was a man-made mechanism used to sequentially separate events in a linear fashion? What if time did not work the way we thought it worked?

The next section, which deals with remote viewing research, has indicated that time is not linear but dynamic. That is, future events can, in fact, affect current events.

What if there was a way to access the deeper levels of our conscience and have it intentionally focus on an event in another dimension or perhaps a parallel universe? Say this particular dimension or parallel universe had a timeline concurrent with a future event, such as the Super Lotto.

In theory, the nonphysical aspect of our being already spans space and time. Seeking out and locating a dimension whose SuperLOTTO drawing is concurrent with the dowsing session is almost instantaneous. With a little help from a dowsing pendulum and some meditation work, one can access have access to this information and make use of it.

Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is loosely defined as, "The attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extrasensory perception."

Remote viewing is a statistically reliable phenomenon that deals in psi function and has been rigorously tested by respected scientists and validated by respected statisticians for over thirty years. Ironically, the mainstream community is still unwilling to accept the phenomenon as legitimate.

In some respects, the remote viewing phenomenon is similar to what we are attempting to do with the lottery dowsing process. Understanding the basic principles and mechanics of a proven system helps make the dowsing process more conceivable. Both systems, as it is with all psi, utilize the same mechanics but in different ways to receive information.

Remote viewing gained popularity in the 1990s following the declassification of the U.S. government's Stargate program. The U.S. government, through cooperation with Stanford Research Institute, studied psi functioning in humans for over twenty years.

There is some controversy as to why the program was shut down. Some say the program was shut down and declassified when it became apparent that modern technology had progressed to the point of exceeding remote viewings limitations and proved to be a more reliable intelligence gathering resource. Others say that the program was a political hot potato and the government had no business investing money in a program that dealt with psychics.

Upon the program's declassification, highly trained remote viewers branched out and started teaching the skill to the interested public. As a result, many techniques and remote viewing disciplines have been refined and coexist today.

Remote Viewing Basics

As it is with the dowsing method, there is quite a lot of preparation involved in remote viewing, which I will not discuss in very much detail. To briefly touch on this preparation, just know that the remote viewer typically goes through a mind calming or meditation practice before conducting a session, and small details such as the placement of pen and paper are all considered.

The idea is to follow a strict set of protocols, which allow the remote viewer to increase skill level by following guidelines of a successful procedure. Usually, the remote viewer is tasked with a set of coordinates, which represent a target of some sort. The target can be predetermined by a tasker or determined after the session is complete.

The remote viewer, knowing nothing about the target, will begin a session by writing the designated coordinates on a piece of paper followed by automatic scribble. This scribble is almost like a reflex when drawn and is called an ideogram. This ideogram is the essence of remote viewing.

The major skill in remote viewing is being able to decode this scribble. This scribble or ideogram is a message from the nonphysical component of the remote viewer and it relays information regarding the target. It is passed along via a reflex through the remote viewer's central nervous system. The idea is to successfully pass along information about a target before the conscious mind has the ability to intercept and manipulate it.

The initial ideogram can tell an experienced remote viewer a lot about a target. It will identify the target as a target on land or on water, if it is manmade or something of nature. This lower-level information allows the remote viewer to pick a direction and move into more detail with more ideograms.

The remote viewer will do this process multiple times, piecing together, a kind of, psychic puzzle until a target can be achieved. How does one decipher a scribble? The idea is to develop a kind of scribble vocabulary; that is, with time and practice, the remote viewer will develop a mental database of scribbles that helps decode information transmitted by the nonphysical component. For example, with time, the remote viewer will develop a familiar scribble that represents land, and another that represents water. With more time and practice, a rather extensive ideogram vocabulary can be developed, making the remote viewer that much more effective.

The essence of creating this vocabulary is derived from what is called probing the ideogram. Probing the ideogram occurs when a remote viewer feels out the contours of the ideogram, retracing it over and over with his or her pen. The remote viewer will take considerable note of emotional feelings and will connect with the target through his or her nonphysical component. It's as if a strong connection is finally affirmed and reliable logging of data can then begin.

Time and Space

An interesting phenomenon, first discovered in the 1970s, was that coordinates need not have an associated target at the time of a remote viewing session.

In other words, you could blindly give the remote viewer a set of coordinates; tell the remote viewer to remotely view those coordinates and once complete, walk over to a computer and input those very same coordinates and have the computer generate a target that matched what the remote viewer viewed.

Think about this for second. What does this mean for us dowsers? Here we have an established phenomenon with years of research in laboratory settings and the standard protocol is assigning targets after a session. If remote viewers can remotely view targets that have yet to be picked, then why can't lottery dowsers dowse a lottery that has yet to occur?

Somehow, the nonphysical component of the remote viewer knows the correct target, regardless of time and space. The remote viewer's nonphysical component is somehow accessing one of many dimensions or parallel universes occurring simultaneously with ours. This nonphysical component is passing information back to the remote viewer through the remote viewer's central nervous system in the form of a reflex. This reflex is recorded in the form of an ideogram.

The remote viewing process is not perfect and not easy. If it were, everyone would be doing it. There are many complex obstacles to overcome and still much to learn.

The nonphysical component that relates directly to the central nervous system appears to be somewhat primitive in a sense or perhaps underdeveloped or in a state of atrophy. Perhaps we failed to utilize a special attribute given to us in our physiology early on in human history? Then again, the functioning could be rather new.

I suspect that psi functioning in humans is rather new and right on schedule. As we work to understand its operation, an influx of new generations with psi-related abilities are taking the world by storm. Take, for example, the indigo and crystal children. As time will allow, a more spiritual human being with greater psi-related ability will begin to walk the Earth, perhaps in time to save it.

Computer Analogy

To put fourth an another analogy, think of this extrasensory mechanism or sixth sense of ours as an old computer with a slow modem from 1996. Now try to imagine streaming a movie over the Internet with this setup. You can probably imagine how painful it would be to watch a movie this way.

I kind of like to think of us humans as that old computer from 1996 with the slow modem, and this universal nonphysical dimension I speak of, as the Internet. Unfortunately our modems are so slow and difficult to use, we have learned to shut them off and live life without them.

The good news is that we have a modem; it's not perfect and it's not completely understood, but we can make it work. Remote viewers have been making it work for years with practice and refining their techniques. Psychics can make it work rather naturally, and I am sure you have made it work on a number of occasions without even thinking about it.

The Need for Silence

As if the first scenario wasn't frusting enough already, let's throw one more obstacle into the mix. Imagine you are still trying to stream that movie from the Internet. This time, imagine an annoying person who won't stop talking and have them stand next to you as you sit and try to grasp what's on the computer screen. You can probably imagine how difficult it would be trying to watch that movie, right?

Our thoughts, our conscious minds, are kind of like that annoying person yelling at us. When we conduct a dowsing session or when a remote viewer goes to remote view a target, a meditation should first take place. The idea is to quiet the thought process and sidetrack the conscious mind, thereby allowing the nonphysical component to perceive information with limited distraction. The conscious mind will do whatever it can to intercept and manipulate information received from the nonphysical component.

Thought Entanglement

To complicate matters further, one more scenario needs to be added to our computer analogy. Say instead of streaming your movie, that is you're watching it as it downloads, you simply download it all at once and then go to watch it. The movie finally downloads, you hit the play button and the movie starts playing. Suddenly, you realize you downloaded the wrong movie. Sure, it was on the movie list you were looking at prior to downloading but you didn't pick this one. What gives? What happened? You know for a fact that you picked the right movie prior to downloading it and this clearly isn't it; something's not right.

There is a similar phenomenon in the remote viewing world where the remote viewer will be tasked with one of two unknown targets. One target is an intended target while the other is a decoy target. The remote viewer will conduct a session and end with what he or she thinks is the correct target. A lot of times, the remote viewer will remote view the decoy target perfectly, while neglecting the intended target.

Researchers have speculated that a target has receptors. That is, a target has its own nonphysical component or attractor, which interfaces with the nonphysical component of the remote viewer. If two separate targets are involved, one being an intended target and one being a decoy target, a competition ensues. For whatever reason, the decoy will compete with the intended target for attention. The remote viewer's nonphysical component will go back and forth, early in the session, attempting to lock on to one of the targets. The result is the occasional remote viewing of the decoy target.

Something similar happens to the lottery dowser, but on a larger scale. Instead of two targets, the dowser is dowsing forty-seven targets (SuperLOTTO). When dowsing the lottery, it is most common to dowse numbers in relative proximity to the actual pick. It's as though the nonphysical component gets entangled or crosses lines with nearby numbers and their attractors. As a result, entangled information is often received by the dowser, thereby making it difficult to lock on to specific digits. Until the cross talk can be overcome, and specific targets can be dowsed without interference of nearby numbers, we will have to live with this proximity effect.

Closing the Session

Thoughts are like energy. It is safe to say that thoughts can traverse these nonphysical dimensions and influence the nonphysical component of our being. It is potentially possible to cross-contaminate or entangle future thoughts with current dowsing session thoughts. This phenomenon can affect the outcome. It is important to keep positive and properly close out a dowsing session. This will help to eliminate the feedback loop generated during the start of a session.

In remote viewing, a remote viewer will "close" a session after having remotely viewed a target's coordinates. The intended target is finally revealed and the remote viewer can compare and contrast his or her work with the actual target. Closing the session is a very important step in completing a remote viewing session. It brings closure to the event and severs the mental connection with the associated target. It is equally important to bring closure to a dowsing session after the lottery drawing.

Monday, June 11, 2012

How The British National Lottery Can Help Eling Tide Mill

Lottery Number Generator :

Records show there has been a mill in the village of Eling outside Southampton since at least 1418, which is the date of the first recorded lease on the site.

The flourmill stands on the causeway crossing the Bartley Water river and, since it is thought a Roman road passed through the village, it is not unreasonable to assume the causeway was on the route of this road. Two mills were recorded in Eling in the 1086 Domesday Book so it is possible this example has much earlier origins.

The existing mill is a tide mill. This method uses the advantage Eling has of two high tides each day. The water in front of the mill is Eling Creek, which in turn is at the end of Southampton Water. This inlet stands opposite the Isle of Wight and it is this feature that provides the two tides.

Flour is milled using the variation in height between the river behind and Eling Creek. The causeway acts as a dam and, when high tide floods the lower reaches of Bartley Water, the sluice gates under the road are closed thus trapping the water.

As the water level in the Creek start to fall, gates under the mill are opened and the river water forces itself through and onto the waiting millwheels in pits below the building.

At present there are two pits under the mill but only one contains a functioning wheel. This drives the machinery used to grind the corn and produce high quality flour currently sold locally.

The existing building dates from 1785 and has recently been bought by the local and progressive Totton and Eling Town Council. It provides a very interesting tourist attraction with a small shop and is run jointly with a tearoom, museum and visitor centre nearby.

As already mentioned, Eling Tide Mill has two waterwheels with only one in operation. The second wheel was previously left derelict but the Town Council has published plans to replace this and connect it to a hydroelectric generator to convert the tide flow into energy.

This innovation will lead to the mill providing reliable and environmentally electricity which can then be sold to the National Grid. It is thought the project would supply enough electricity for at least a row of houses.

The Domesday Book listed more than 6000 mills in Britain and it would be interesting to understand how many of the surviving buildings could be converted to energy production.

The Eling project is looking for financing of £1 million, which includes a refurbishment of the building itself, much of the total hopefully will be provided from British National Lottery funds.

To date the British National Lottery has raised more than £1 billion to finance such useful projects in heritage, the arts and sport. Perhaps the visionary plans at Eling deserve such support.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Proven Strategies For Winning - California Lottery

Lottery Number Generator :

The California state lottery began in 1984 and happens to be one of the most popular among lottery players around the world. Its games include Mega Millions, Fantasy 5, Super Lotto Plus, Hot spot, Scratcher, Daily 3, Daily 4 and Daily Derby. If you are a California lottery player then you need to know some important facts about number selection. Here are a few tips that tell you how to get the right winning numbers:-

- When you are playing California state lottery calculating numbers by knowing the right lottery code and lottery pattern is the best bet. The strategy for calculating winning numbers was revealed by a math genius who researched and proved that lottery pattern is a key factor that influences the lottery winnings. His strategy helps the players avoid the common errors made by average player playing Super Lotto Plus, Hot spot, Scratcher or any other California lotto game. The lottery pattern gives you the trend by which you can calculate the winning numbers.

- There are Lottery software and programs available which analyze the past results and by this analysis the software generates the numbers which have the high probability of coming in the next draw. Ensure to keep track of past winning numbers of California lottery games to increase your odds of winning.

- Even when playing the California lottery games like Mega Millions, Fantasy 5, Daily 4 and Daily Derby you can use some mathematical tools and wheeling systems which go through the previous history and filter the selection to get the winning number combination. Thus eliminating numbers which have a low probability of being drawn.

- The lottery number generator is one of the best solutions for all the California lottery games. This system takes into account your choice of sequence and calculations of the number combination.

Try and go through these lottery winning strategies. There have been players who learned and used these techniques and have managed to get a win more than a single time they played. These tricks are easy to learn and can make you a millionaire by getting you the right winning numbers like a fish from the ocean.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Lottery - How to Win the Jackpot in a Weird and Outrageous Way

Lottery Number Generator :

Do you wish you have billions of dollars instantly? Do you want to live in luxury without a job? Do you want to eat expensive and delicate treats? Do you want to spend on shoes, clothes and jewelry without the credit card? Do you want to go around the world without thinking how much that would cost? Do you want to live in a mansion full of maids to serve you? Do you want to live like the rich people do? There is an easy solution to that: winning the lottery jackpot. Here are some of the tips to get the dream jackpot. Some of these may seem weird but rest assured that others use them and think they are effective.

Save some money and play the lotto everyday. To play lotto, you need to buy a special ticket. You need to pick numbers and if your combo matches the jackpot random number combo, you win. The more tickets you buy, the more chances of winning. And if you stake the same numbers everyday, the more likely you win the jackpot. So, save some money each day to buy a ticket.

Look up on drawn numbers. Check the state lottery website. They have a huge list of number combinations. If you see a related pattern of the drawn combinations, then use it. For example, if even numbers always show up in the number combination, then use even numbers. If a couple of numbers show up often, don't forget to include them in your list.

Find a computer number generator. It also works like a lotto machine. It processes random numbers. Check the pattern of numbers to use it, or use the same number combination that it gives as your ticket numbers.

Dream the numbers. If you are more spiritual, then do this. You could ask God, the universe, the sky, the sun, the moon and other heavenly things to help you for your number quest. Be sure to get a pen and paper ready.

Ask a fortune teller. If you haven't got some answers, then ask the help of a professional. Use the power of numerology, horoscopes, palm reading, and the like. Be sure that your source is reliable or else sue him or her.

Imagine what you will do to the money. If you want to use it for a vacation, imagine you are now on a yacht sailing the seas. If you want to buy a very big mansion, imagine you are in it, and explore the rooms. Positive thoughts are said to attract positive energy and luck.

And lastly, don't forget your lucky charms. Before you buy a ticket, remember to wear your lucky color, put a four-leaf clover in your pocket, and think that today is your lucky day. Do this and see the difference.

For sure, many lotto addicts would do all of these right away. For the thousands of peoples who wish for luck to come their way, your wish might just be granted with these tips on how to win the jackpot.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Where is a Fantasy 5 Number Selector That Wins Consistently?

Lottery Number Generator :

Every state in the country has its own version of lotto plays. The most popular lotto number selector is the Fantasy 5 Number Selector. You may ask: where is a Fantasy 5 Number Selector that wins consistently? Every version of Fantasy 5 has its own number selector. This is so because they have their own history of drawn numbers. The Fantasy 5 lotto is the most popular lotto game because it has higher probability of winning as compared with other lotto games around. The question "where is a Fantasy 5 Number that wins consistently?" is answerable by having a Number Generator that has the data of past winning of several lotto versions around the country. You don't have to wonder: where is Fantasy 5

Number that wins consistently?

If you are having a hard time picking your numbers, you can always try the Number selector. The numbers it generates are based on random selection method based on the past drawn numbers. The Number selector can give three set of numbers. The first set is based on initial qualifying set, the second is based from rank suggested set and the last is based on numbers that are not selected by the initial qualifying set. With this number selection, the methods are based from statistics or trends of numbers drawn from past games. The Quick Pick ticket is generated from initial qualifying set, the Generator ticket is based from the more rigorous selection, which is the rank suggested set and the last is from your own personal pick.

This gives you an added chance of winning compared with you picking numbers based on some important numbers and dates in your life.

Where is a Fantasy 5 Number Selector that wins consistently? In order for you to determine this you have to equip yourself with the history of drawn numbers for 21 consecutive draws from a specific lotto game. When purchasing a lotto number selector, make sure that this feature is included and also enables you to review the past winning numbers. You can now answer you question: "where is a Fantasy 5 Number Selector that wins consistently?" And once your answer to this question is obtained, you might be on your way of becoming rich. You can now master the technique of placing bets on potential numbers. Just imagine being so rich because you win consistently - it's a quickest way to earn money without doing backbreaking jobs or confining yourself within the confines of your office. All you worry about is how to raise your children and siblings.

Make an intelligent prediction! Get the Fantasy 5 Number Selector to increase your chances of winning and fulfill your dream of becoming a millionaire! Win consistently! Make betting your bread and butter! Don't waste away your money on numbers that are not potential winners. Say goodbye to your lucky numbers that are not really lucky! The only way that you can win in Fantasy Five is to obtain a proven method or strategy of placing bets.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Free Pick 3 Lottery Systems

Lottery Number Generator :

For sure, the easiest lottery system to bet with is the Pick 3 lottery system. You would just think of any digits from 1 to 9, take three and then choose a combination, and then you can place your bet. The Pick 3 is available twice a day in most states and therefore you've got more chances of winning. It's easy to pick but the chances can be slim. To take a much better chance, you have to think of techniques or a certain mathematical formula to guess the next possible winning combination. The probability ratio for this kind of lottery is 1:1000 and this ratio alone is enough proof that given the right tools to predict the next jackpot combination, you can be on your way to become richer.

If you want to become a serious Pick 3 lottery player and wants to discover the winning formula, you should obtain first one of the free Pick 3 Lottery systems available. Make sure that you can obtain it for free and for the lowest possible price. The catch here is to use this as a practice ground for your quest for the right algorithms for jackpots. It's interesting especially if you've unraveled the mystery and then you can be on your way to the bank earning huge sum of money regularly from the lottery. Some of these free pick 3 Lottery systems include a number generator program to which you could base your next bet. With free pick 3 lottery system, you don't have to stick with numbers that have personal meanings in your life. All of the bets or the three-digit combination should be based on the random numbers that you have stumbled upon using the secret formula you've discovered.

No guessing or sticking to a specific set of numbers that can take one thousand bets before hitting it right on the jackpot. The free pick 3 lottery systems are a treasure itself - opening more windows for winning opportunities.

To choose the best free pick 3 lottery systems, make sure that it is easy to use and has the potential to actually yield a profit. Otherwise, it is purely garbage. Make sure that somebody else has tried the free pick 3 lottery system that you have been eyeing for and this person should have posted his or her experience. Some sites that sell 3-pick lottery systems include the testimonials of persons who have acquired the formula. With these data available, you could sniff your way if the system is really working. You can take a further look if the side included the words "Money Back Guarantee". It can be a proof that the system is really working regardless of where the lottery is based.

To be able to hit the Pick jackpot frequently in the State Lotto games, a system is needed that based its scientific or mathematical formula using the previous winning number combinations, tendencies and outlooks that can bring you consistent profits enough to sustain your everyday expenses.