Lottery Number Generator :Sixth Sense -A Human Being's Non physical Component
Our Psychic Sense and Dowsing the Lottery
Your first test is to come to terms with the fact that we humans have a nonphysical component that lends itself beyond our normal five senses. Consider our entire being, both the physical and nonphysical, similar to that of a huge iceberg in the Antarctic. Now, the tip typically represents about ten percent of the whole iceberg; that is, when you fly over an iceberg in the Antarctic, you are actually seeing a tiny section of a huge, floating ice mountain. Think of that part, the part that sticks out of the water, as both the physical and mental aspects that make up a human being. In other words, the iceberg's tip is both the flesh that makes up the body and the decision making voice in one's head.
Now, take the iceberg's remaining ninety percent, the part that sits submerged in the ocean. This part represents an even more dynamic and amazing aspect to our being. Just as the greater mass of an iceberg is hidden while flying over, so is a greater portion of our being. You could almost think of the water's surface, where the iceberg begins to protrude out of the water and into the air, as an interface between the conscious and subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is merely another gateway that lends itself to a deeper aspect of who we are. It's like a gateway to a much larger self and, just like the tip of an iceberg, there is a lot more to our being than what lies on the surface.
After considering for a moment that our being, both physical and nonphysical, could be compared to that of an iceberg, we can take the analogy one step further and reference both the ocean in which the iceberg floats and atmosphere above the surface.
The physical space in which an iceberg exists here on Earth is three-dimensional. We live on a three-dimensional physical plane of existence; we also have a time dimension on this physical plane. As a result, we are considered to be on a four-dimensional plane of existence.
The analogy holds true when you consider the ocean and the open air. Ninety percent of our iceberg sits submerged in the ocean, while ten percent protrudes into open air. If you were to treat the ocean like its own complex dimension, and the open air as our four-dimensional plane, you would see that the majority of our iceberg sits in one dimension, while protruding into another. This analogy holds true for all of mankind. A human being is nothing more than a small, physical representation of a much larger and more dynamic being. And for whatever reasons deemed necessary by the powers that be, we all come here with focused awareness and intent.
To extend the iceberg analogy, let us assume that our iceberg floats over an incredibly deep trench. This trench is so deep that it appears the ocean has no bottom. Likewise, from the surface, we look up into the day's beautiful blue sky and see nothing but vast blueness, no evidence of a universe in existence, but we know it exists. Could more dimensions or parallel universes exist outside the confines of our universe and we are just too small to recognize them?
The planet Earth sits in a solar system that sits in a galaxy and the galaxy sits in a cluster of nearby galaxies and these galaxies, amongst other things, make up our universe. Suppose the universe is in a cluster of universes, and that cluster is apart of an even bigger galaxy of universes. This process could potentially go on for infinity and we would never know it because we haven't the ability perceive anything directly outside of our universe.
What if our conscience works similar to such a belief? That is, what if our conscience is spread out over many dimensions or parallel universes, and only capable of perceiving one level of awareness at a time? This level of awareness would be of course here and now on this physical earthly plane. When we die, we transition or retract into another dimension; some might call it Heaven. The result is our consciousness doing an awareness shift, leaving the physical dimension through the shedding of the physical body, a necessary physical container for one's consciousness if one is to exist on this plane.
So here we are, all metaphorical icebergs floating around in the same great ocean, parts of our beings above water, and another part submerged below the surface, separate and individual, yet connected through common composition.
The Gatekeeper Mechanism
The very mechanism that connects us to this nonphysical level of being is like a gatekeeper. This gatekeeper is the very mechanism responsible for relaying information between the conscious and subconscious mind. It is a middleman, so to speak. We do not know where it resides; perhaps it is a chemical in the brain that purposely keeps our awareness focused in the physical for the sake of completing our earthly tasks. Perhaps it's not physical at all.
The subconscious has access to the higher self, the metaphorical ninety percent floating under the ocean. The nonphysical component of our being, that is, the conscious interaction between the gatekeeping mechanism and subconscious, is what is responsible for various psi-related phenomena such as remote viewing, astral projection, premonition, intuitiveness, and many others.
It also appears to exist as a protection mechanism. Perhaps in some cases, people find themselves in direct line with upcoming catastrophic events that could prematurely separate them from this plane of existence. As a result, being that their departure is too early, information is passed along, warning of preemptive danger, perhaps in the form of a vivid dream or gut feeling. This would be a premonition, so to speak.
What if time was merely a perceptual phenomenon? That is, what if time was a man-made mechanism used to sequentially separate events in a linear fashion? What if time did not work the way we thought it worked?
The next section, which deals with remote viewing research, has indicated that time is not linear but dynamic. That is, future events can, in fact, affect current events.
What if there was a way to access the deeper levels of our conscience and have it intentionally focus on an event in another dimension or perhaps a parallel universe? Say this particular dimension or parallel universe had a timeline concurrent with a future event, such as the Super Lotto.
In theory, the nonphysical aspect of our being already spans space and time. Seeking out and locating a dimension whose SuperLOTTO drawing is concurrent with the dowsing session is almost instantaneous. With a little help from a dowsing pendulum and some meditation work, one can access have access to this information and make use of it.
Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is loosely defined as, "The attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extrasensory perception."
Remote viewing is a statistically reliable phenomenon that deals in psi function and has been rigorously tested by respected scientists and validated by respected statisticians for over thirty years. Ironically, the mainstream community is still unwilling to accept the phenomenon as legitimate.
In some respects, the remote viewing phenomenon is similar to what we are attempting to do with the lottery dowsing process. Understanding the basic principles and mechanics of a proven system helps make the dowsing process more conceivable. Both systems, as it is with all psi, utilize the same mechanics but in different ways to receive information.
Remote viewing gained popularity in the 1990s following the declassification of the U.S. government's Stargate program. The U.S. government, through cooperation with Stanford Research Institute, studied psi functioning in humans for over twenty years.
There is some controversy as to why the program was shut down. Some say the program was shut down and declassified when it became apparent that modern technology had progressed to the point of exceeding remote viewings limitations and proved to be a more reliable intelligence gathering resource. Others say that the program was a political hot potato and the government had no business investing money in a program that dealt with psychics.
Upon the program's declassification, highly trained remote viewers branched out and started teaching the skill to the interested public. As a result, many techniques and remote viewing disciplines have been refined and coexist today.
Remote Viewing Basics
As it is with the dowsing method, there is quite a lot of preparation involved in remote viewing, which I will not discuss in very much detail. To briefly touch on this preparation, just know that the remote viewer typically goes through a mind calming or meditation practice before conducting a session, and small details such as the placement of pen and paper are all considered.
The idea is to follow a strict set of protocols, which allow the remote viewer to increase skill level by following guidelines of a successful procedure. Usually, the remote viewer is tasked with a set of coordinates, which represent a target of some sort. The target can be predetermined by a tasker or determined after the session is complete.
The remote viewer, knowing nothing about the target, will begin a session by writing the designated coordinates on a piece of paper followed by automatic scribble. This scribble is almost like a reflex when drawn and is called an ideogram. This ideogram is the essence of remote viewing.
The major skill in remote viewing is being able to decode this scribble. This scribble or ideogram is a message from the nonphysical component of the remote viewer and it relays information regarding the target. It is passed along via a reflex through the remote viewer's central nervous system. The idea is to successfully pass along information about a target before the conscious mind has the ability to intercept and manipulate it.
The initial ideogram can tell an experienced remote viewer a lot about a target. It will identify the target as a target on land or on water, if it is manmade or something of nature. This lower-level information allows the remote viewer to pick a direction and move into more detail with more ideograms.
The remote viewer will do this process multiple times, piecing together, a kind of, psychic puzzle until a target can be achieved. How does one decipher a scribble? The idea is to develop a kind of scribble vocabulary; that is, with time and practice, the remote viewer will develop a mental database of scribbles that helps decode information transmitted by the nonphysical component. For example, with time, the remote viewer will develop a familiar scribble that represents land, and another that represents water. With more time and practice, a rather extensive ideogram vocabulary can be developed, making the remote viewer that much more effective.
The essence of creating this vocabulary is derived from what is called probing the ideogram. Probing the ideogram occurs when a remote viewer feels out the contours of the ideogram, retracing it over and over with his or her pen. The remote viewer will take considerable note of emotional feelings and will connect with the target through his or her nonphysical component. It's as if a strong connection is finally affirmed and reliable logging of data can then begin.
Time and Space
An interesting phenomenon, first discovered in the 1970s, was that coordinates need not have an associated target at the time of a remote viewing session.
In other words, you could blindly give the remote viewer a set of coordinates; tell the remote viewer to remotely view those coordinates and once complete, walk over to a computer and input those very same coordinates and have the computer generate a target that matched what the remote viewer viewed.
Think about this for second. What does this mean for us dowsers? Here we have an established phenomenon with years of research in laboratory settings and the standard protocol is assigning targets after a session. If remote viewers can remotely view targets that have yet to be picked, then why can't lottery dowsers dowse a lottery that has yet to occur?
Somehow, the nonphysical component of the remote viewer knows the correct target, regardless of time and space. The remote viewer's nonphysical component is somehow accessing one of many dimensions or parallel universes occurring simultaneously with ours. This nonphysical component is passing information back to the remote viewer through the remote viewer's central nervous system in the form of a reflex. This reflex is recorded in the form of an ideogram.
The remote viewing process is not perfect and not easy. If it were, everyone would be doing it. There are many complex obstacles to overcome and still much to learn.
The nonphysical component that relates directly to the central nervous system appears to be somewhat primitive in a sense or perhaps underdeveloped or in a state of atrophy. Perhaps we failed to utilize a special attribute given to us in our physiology early on in human history? Then again, the functioning could be rather new.
I suspect that psi functioning in humans is rather new and right on schedule. As we work to understand its operation, an influx of new generations with psi-related abilities are taking the world by storm. Take, for example, the indigo and crystal children. As time will allow, a more spiritual human being with greater psi-related ability will begin to walk the Earth, perhaps in time to save it.
Computer Analogy
To put fourth an another analogy, think of this extrasensory mechanism or sixth sense of ours as an old computer with a slow modem from 1996. Now try to imagine streaming a movie over the Internet with this setup. You can probably imagine how painful it would be to watch a movie this way.
I kind of like to think of us humans as that old computer from 1996 with the slow modem, and this universal nonphysical dimension I speak of, as the Internet. Unfortunately our modems are so slow and difficult to use, we have learned to shut them off and live life without them.
The good news is that we have a modem; it's not perfect and it's not completely understood, but we can make it work. Remote viewers have been making it work for years with practice and refining their techniques. Psychics can make it work rather naturally, and I am sure you have made it work on a number of occasions without even thinking about it.
The Need for Silence
As if the first scenario wasn't frusting enough already, let's throw one more obstacle into the mix. Imagine you are still trying to stream that movie from the Internet. This time, imagine an annoying person who won't stop talking and have them stand next to you as you sit and try to grasp what's on the computer screen. You can probably imagine how difficult it would be trying to watch that movie, right?
Our thoughts, our conscious minds, are kind of like that annoying person yelling at us. When we conduct a dowsing session or when a remote viewer goes to remote view a target, a meditation should first take place. The idea is to quiet the thought process and sidetrack the conscious mind, thereby allowing the nonphysical component to perceive information with limited distraction. The conscious mind will do whatever it can to intercept and manipulate information received from the nonphysical component.
Thought Entanglement
To complicate matters further, one more scenario needs to be added to our computer analogy. Say instead of streaming your movie, that is you're watching it as it downloads, you simply download it all at once and then go to watch it. The movie finally downloads, you hit the play button and the movie starts playing. Suddenly, you realize you downloaded the wrong movie. Sure, it was on the movie list you were looking at prior to downloading but you didn't pick this one. What gives? What happened? You know for a fact that you picked the right movie prior to downloading it and this clearly isn't it; something's not right.
There is a similar phenomenon in the remote viewing world where the remote viewer will be tasked with one of two unknown targets. One target is an intended target while the other is a decoy target. The remote viewer will conduct a session and end with what he or she thinks is the correct target. A lot of times, the remote viewer will remote view the decoy target perfectly, while neglecting the intended target.
Researchers have speculated that a target has receptors. That is, a target has its own nonphysical component or attractor, which interfaces with the nonphysical component of the remote viewer. If two separate targets are involved, one being an intended target and one being a decoy target, a competition ensues. For whatever reason, the decoy will compete with the intended target for attention. The remote viewer's nonphysical component will go back and forth, early in the session, attempting to lock on to one of the targets. The result is the occasional remote viewing of the decoy target.
Something similar happens to the lottery dowser, but on a larger scale. Instead of two targets, the dowser is dowsing forty-seven targets (SuperLOTTO). When dowsing the lottery, it is most common to dowse numbers in relative proximity to the actual pick. It's as though the nonphysical component gets entangled or crosses lines with nearby numbers and their attractors. As a result, entangled information is often received by the dowser, thereby making it difficult to lock on to specific digits. Until the cross talk can be overcome, and specific targets can be dowsed without interference of nearby numbers, we will have to live with this proximity effect.
Closing the Session
Thoughts are like energy. It is safe to say that thoughts can traverse these nonphysical dimensions and influence the nonphysical component of our being. It is potentially possible to cross-contaminate or entangle future thoughts with current dowsing session thoughts. This phenomenon can affect the outcome. It is important to keep positive and properly close out a dowsing session. This will help to eliminate the feedback loop generated during the start of a session.
In remote viewing, a remote viewer will "close" a session after having remotely viewed a target's coordinates. The intended target is finally revealed and the remote viewer can compare and contrast his or her work with the actual target. Closing the session is a very important step in completing a remote viewing session. It brings closure to the event and severs the mental connection with the associated target. It is equally important to bring closure to a dowsing session after the lottery drawing.